Within The Cosmos Hack Mod Cheats Indie Tag

Within The Cosmos Hack Mod Cheats Indie Tag



  1. tagline - Indie
  2. publish date - 30 Sep, 2019
  3. Summary - Within the Cosmos is a single-player first-person sci-fi RPG. You awaken from cryogenic sleep, and shortly after, you and your crew get attacked by an unknown enemy. As you explore multiple planets to try to find answers, your choices and actions will determine how the story unfolds
Within the Cosmos - Sci-Fi Adventure FPS RPG. WITHIN THE COSMOS takes place in the year 2278. You are one of 500 people who work for UESA (United Earth Space Agency. You were put in cryogenic sleep and sent to the planet 'Berith II. A planet that is tucked away in the Zeta Arae star system. 500 humans were sent there to preserve the human race, as they were on the verge.

Within the Cosmos is a story-driven single-player first-person sci-fi game. The year is 2278, and humanity is on the verge of extinction. You were sent there to preserve the human race, as they are fighting a war they will not win. Within the Cosmos. 54 likes. Within the Cosmos is a story-driven single-player first-person sci-fi game. As you explore the Adallio System to try to find.



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